Company Updates
Ben visits the Intelligent Retail Australia office

Ben visits the Intelligent Retail Australia office

waiting for food!

Our Customer Service Manager, Ben, has been travelling all the way to Sydney to see our Australia & NZ Intelligent Retail team!

We work as one team across two offices in separate continents, however it was a great opportunity for Ben to meet some of the ANZ customers, as well as improving the cross-continent team connection, by giving the team a bit of knowledge transfer and training.

Ben has had a chance to speak to all of the ANZ office team members as well as being able to travel directly to customer sites and answer Connect setup and usage questions whilst with the customer.

Incidentally, we all know that there have been massive problems with bush fires in Australia – these have affected our own team members over there as well as members of our sister companies in 3Q group. It was noted that Ben’s arrival from the UK brought with it much needed heavy rainfall, something that was sorely needed to put out all of those fires. Well done Ben! 😉