Creating Content that Kicks

Creating Content that Kicks

Online marketing is a confusing profession sometimes. At various times of the day I’m asked to be statistician, author, business analyst and programmer and that’s before we get started on actually putting together campaigns, dealing with copywriters and managing multiple clients through various communications systems. The phrase ‘octopus on stilts’ springs to mind if you want a visual clue as […]

Laying the Groundwork for eCommerce

Laying the Groundwork for eCommerce

Why it pays to look ahead when planning out a new eCommerce website launch. As a well-seasoned online marketer, I’ve probably seen every possible scenario when being asked to promote a website, however it always surprises me when clients are totally on-board with the advice that I give and it really makes my day when it happens. Recently I was […]

Vinnies Bush Fire Appeal

Vinnies is an Australian charity who are running a Bushfire Appeal to help those affected by the awful bushfires across the state of South Australia. They are also one of our Intelligent Retail customers. Our Customer Services Manager, Ben has been visiting Vinnies during his visit to our Australia & NZ Intelligent Retail Team. South Australia has been hit hard […]

Intelligent Speakers and Search Engines

Intelligent Speakers and Search Engines

As an avid Science Fiction fan, I often marvel at how modern innovations often mirror or even surpass the other-worldly technology showcased in my favourite movies and television shows. Who ever thought when Star Trek was first aired in early 1966 that hand-held communicators, speaking computers and particle weapons would become a reality just a few short decades later. It’s […]