Highlights from our customer day

Highlights from our customer day

On the 14th of May, we were delighted to host a Customer Day event at our head office in Newbury. The event was dedicated to connecting with our customers and showcasing the latest hardware and features in our multichannel retail software and services. The event was a great success and we wanted to take a moment to share some of […]

10 tips to get your online store ready for Christmas

10 tips to get your online store ready for Christmas

As the Christmas season fast approaches, it’s time to start preparing your online eCommerce store. If you’re uncertain about where to begin, here are 10 valuable tips to help you get started: Planning ahead Landing pages SEO Gift cards Personalisation Graphics Gift wrap Returns policy Marketing Testing 1. Planning ahead Thinking ahead is key particularly when organising events like Christmas, […]

Lost Link Equity – Grabbing back what’s rightfully yours!

Lost Link Equity – Grabbing back what’s rightfully yours!

Search engines like Google use a number of different ranking factors to determine where to place pages in search results. These ranking factors can number into the hundreds (in Google’s case), but roughly speaking these ranking factors come into three main areas: on-site factors, off-site factors and hosting related factors. Traditionally the biggest influence in rankings for Google have been […]

User Reviews – Virtual Gossip or Goldmine?

User Reviews – Virtual Gossip or Goldmine?

It’s funny how no matter what direction technology pushes us in, people always default to what they know works. If you’re a ‘bricks and mortar’ retailer and you’ve been trading for many years, you will probably remember a time before all this Internet malarkey when ‘word of mouth’ was the key to getting sales. People would travel from miles around […]

Getting Creative with Online Marketing

Getting Creative with Online Marketing

Do you remember Jedward? Personally, I’m desperately trying to forget about the two lads from Ireland who seemed to dominate the headlines back in 2009 but there’s no doubt the gruesome twosome had something which stirred emotions, good and bad. Some ridiculed John and Edward Grimes, after all why would you go onto a singing contest like The X Factor […]

Creating Content that Kicks

Creating Content that Kicks

Online marketing is a confusing profession sometimes. At various times of the day I’m asked to be statistician, author, business analyst and programmer and that’s before we get started on actually putting together campaigns, dealing with copywriters and managing multiple clients through various communications systems. The phrase ‘octopus on stilts’ springs to mind if you want a visual clue as […]