We’ve gone Orange for the day for Muscular Dystrophy UK!

We’ve gone Orange for the day for Muscular Dystrophy UK!

Muscular Dystrophy LogoAll about MDUKEvery year the team at Intelligent Retail support a number of worthy causes and charities with fundraising events and fun office days, where we get to abandon our normal attire and dress up… all in the name of raising some cash. This year, we have decided to support Muscular Dystrophy UK.

Muscular Dystrophy covers a range of muscle wasting conditions which affect many tens of thousands of adults and children in the UK. Muscular Dystrophy UK have been leading the fight against these life-limiting conditions since the 1950’s, with a range of fully funded research programmes into these conditions, professional help and guidance plus help for those affected to live independently.

The Office ‘Go Orange’ Day

We always try to inject a bit of fun into our fund raising… so here’s what we got up to for our Go Orange day…

Orange Sweepstake

We had a sweepstake where you choose a square for each entrant to choose. Donations for this were £1 a pop. The winning square will be revealed shortly and all donations go to MDUK.

muscle dystrophy uk games dayGuess the Weight of the Pumpkin

A fresh pumpkin has been brought into the office, donations of £1 for each guess of how much it weighs. This one is especially popular as the winning guesser gets a bar of chocolate! All proceeds to MDUK

Wearing Orange For The Day

For those of us who can actually find something bright orange in our wardrobe this is an option, and it’s a chance to dress up in that spangly 70’s catsuit for the sake of charity (or is that just me?)… Donations of £1 for those braving the orange go to MDUK and no doubt eternal fame on Instagram for anyone dressing up in an amusing/fun way.

Here were our efforts today.

team photo







All the proceeds gathered go towards the charity Muscular Dystrophy UK.